Mosquito MAYhem!
Before my internship was started I was invited by my supervisor (Gabi Sakolsky) to join a mosquito and tick identification class. The course was held at the Cape Cod Community College in the science building. During the course, I got to hear from other mosquito control districts in Massachusetts talking about the different methods of traping and treating mosquitoes. The Mosquito Mayhem course is aimed to introduce Identification of all the species of mosquitoes, which mainly focused on the species we find in Massachusetts. This class was very important to me because I was able to learn some new skills when looking at mosquitoes and also practice my own microscopy technique. After taking the class, I am more excited then ever to start my work with the Cape Cod Mosquito Control Project! I can't wait to put my ID work to the test with the mosquitoes I find out in the field.